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Garbage Collection

Curbside Household Garbage

The City of Snellville is on a volume-based service. The basic service provides each household with one 65-gallon wheeled garbage cart at no charge. Household garbage is picked up once weekly at the curb. Your cart must be at the curb by 6 am on your pickup day. You will be informed of your specific day of pick up when you call to start service.

ALL garbage must be in durable plastic garbage bags, bags must be tied, and all garbage bags must fit INSIDE your cart with the lid closed flat. Only Advanced or Waste Management containers will be serviced. Overloading your cart with too many bags will scatter trash when the mechanical arm lifts your cart. Therefore, overloaded carts will not be serviced to prevent spilling trash on the ground. In the event you have extra garbage bags on your pickup day, please read below.

Excess Garbage Procedure

Garbage that doesn't fit inside your trash cart with a closed lid, must be placed in a "City of Snellville Blue Bag" in order to be collected by our sanitation provider. The purchase of these bags covers the cost of the excess garbage pick up. When needed, place the "City of Snellville Blue Bag" alongside your trash cart by 6 am at the curb on your scheduled day of collection.

City of Snellville Blue Bags are available at Public Works, as well as Publix and Kroger located on Scenic Hwy in Snellville. Go to the customer service desk at both Publix and Kroger for assistance. The Blue Bags are imprinted with the city seal. The Blue Bags are sold only by the bundle. Each bundle contains (10) bags and sells for $17.00. Garbage outside your 65-gallon cart will NOT be picked up if it is not in a "City of Snellville Blue Bag."

Curbside Bulk Item Pickup

Please call the Public Works Department at 770-985-3527, Monday - Thursday, 7am to  5:30pm to schedule a curbside bulk item pick up. Bulk items are collected on your regular garbage day and MUST be scheduled with our Public Works Dept. You must purchase the official "City of Snellville Blue Bags," attach three (3) blue bags to EACH bulk item (sofa, mattress, etc.), and place the item at your curb on your regular garbage day by 6 am. 

Commercial Sanitation Services

The City of Snellville is a franchised city and all sanitation services must go through our Public Works Department. This includes commercial front load services and industrial compactors. Contact the Public Works Dept at 770-985-3527, Monday - Thursday, 7 am until 5:30 pm, for more information.