Steps for Obtaining a Site Development Permit
The following steps have been simplified to outline the Site Development Permitting process. If you have any questions, please contact:
Jason Thompson, Director
Department of Planning and Development
Office: 770-985-3518
Step 1: Zoning Verification
Property owners, lenders, prospective buyers can obtain written confirmation of the zoning of a development location. A Zoning Verification Letter will provide a general description of the zoning district, references to any applicable zoning and overlay standards, and the zoning history related to the current zoning entitlements as some properties may have zoning conditions that may restrict or even prohibit certain principal or accessory uses.
Step 2: Pre-Submittal Conference
A pre-submittal conference is required BEFORE the initial submittal of any development/land disturbance plans. Please call 770-985-3518 to schedule the pre-submittal conference. Re-submittals do not require a pre-submittal conference.
Step 3: Development Permit Review
All projects that require a Development Permit or Land Disturbance Permit must first be reviewed by the Planning and Development Department to ensure compliance with City regulations. In order to begin the review process, applicants must submit:
- 3 sets of complete site plans:
- Site Plan sheets shall not exceed 48 inches by 36 inches and must have a horizontal scale of no less than 100 feet to one inch.
- Initial submittals must include an ALTA survey of the site, a site plan, phased erosion control plans, grading plan, utility plan, tree survey, and preliminary landscaping plan.
- Plans must be sealed, signed and dated by a Georgia registered professional engineer for each submittal.
- The landscape plan must be stamped and sealed by a Georgia registered landscape architect.
- Plans will not be accepted without a proper engineer's seal, signature, and date.
- Include the developer's and engineer's e-mail addresses on the plans.
- Include on plans any conditions of zoning that have been attached to the site.
- 2 sets of digital plans
- 2 sets of the site Hydrology Study:
- Surveys must be stamped and sealed by a Georgia registered land surveyor on each submittal.
- Project Submittal Sheet
- Plan review fee ($500 per review)
- Erosion Control & Solid Waste Management Affidavit
The plans are reviewed by the City Planner and City Engineer. Plan reviews are handled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Comments will typically be ready in approximately 2 weeks, but review times may vary due to the number of projects currently under review.
PLEASE NOTE: Plan sets will not be reviewed without a review fee being paid.
Step 4: Determine Site Specific Permitting Needs
- Commercial Site Plan Review Checklist
- Commercial Landscape Review Checklist
- Overlay District Checklist (as applicable)
- Our designated Engineer will review the site and Hydrology Study with the Development Plan Review - Engineering Checklist.
- Residential Preliminary Plat Review - Planning Checklist
- Landscape Checklist Residential Preliminary Plat.
- Our designated Engineer will review the site and hydrology study with the Preliminary/Final Plat Review - Engineering Checklist.
- Once site development checklist has been completed the Residential Final Plat Review - Planning and Landscape Checklist Residential Final Plat checklists need to be completed.
- Overlay District Checklist (as applicable)
Overlay District
- If the project falls within an overlay district, the following checklist will also be used in addition to the site checklist (overlay districts are identified on the Zoning Map:
- Towne Center Overlay District Review (for properties located within the Towne Center Overlay District)
Step 5: Concurrent Plan Review by Gwinnett County
- Contact Gwinnett County Department of Planning & Development (678-518-6000) for online plan submittal and review requirements for the various County departments (Planning/Addressing, Fire Marshal, Water and Sewer, etc.). The County reviews plans electronically and will use a digital county one-stamp authorization after the plans have been approved by all County review sections/departments. Blue Route Sheets are no longer accepted for plan approval.
- Map to Gwinnett Government Offices
Step 6: Plan Submittal Checklist
- Photometric Plan (Please see Sec. 6.5.6 of Development Regulations)
- Owners Certification
- Engineer's Stormwater Certification
- Memorandum of Understanding (Development Inspections).
- Erosion and Sediment Control Bond Form
- The fee is $1,000 per acre, but under no circumstances less than $3,000. (EX: 2 acre site = $3,000)
- The Land Disturbing Activity Form
- $80 dollars per acre or fraction thereof, half ($40) being paid to the city and half being paid to the Georgia EPD (Environmental Protection Department). Bring a copy of the EPD check and EPD submitted form to the city when paying this fee.
- The NPDES Notice of Intent (NOI) Form must be completed for all projects over 1 acre.
- Send this form to the Georgia EPD and supply the City with a copy of this completed form (and payment copy) prior to construction activity.
Also submit an electronic copy of each approved plan page, preferably in Adobe .PDF format.
Before permit approval, submit 3 sets of approved site plans, complete with:
- Gwinnett County "One-Stamp" Authorization
- Engineer's signed and dated seal
- Signed signature block
- Landscape architect sealed landscaping plans
- Lighting plans
- Official signatures
Step 7: Pre-Construction Meeting
When all of the above requirements have been met, and project approval(s) is received, call and schedule a site "Pre-Construction Meeting" with the Planning & Development staff. In this meeting, the general contractor, property owner/developer, and the engineer of record for the project are required to attend. This meeting will cover what is expected of the development with regard to erosion control, materials, tree protection, and inspections. The development permit will be issued during the meeting. The Development Permit Fee is due at this meeting.
Once the soil erosion and sedimentation control measures have been installed and inspected by the City's Building Inspector, the 'green' Land Disturbance Permit card is released for posting at the project site.
- During the construction phase of the project, City staff will conduct random site inspections. Erosion control measures will be checked for compliance during all inspections. ALL mandatory building and site inspections must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance.
Step 8: Certificate of Development Conformance and Certificate of Occupancy
Final approval by the Director of Planning and Development shall not be shown on the Certificate of Development Conformance until all requirements of the Development Regulations and other applicable regulations have been met, and the Director of Planning and Development has received a completed request for approval of development conformance and an executed development performance and maintenance agreement. The Director of Planning and Development shall further determine that either:
- All public improvements and installations to the development required to be dedicated and for approval of the Certificate of Development Conformance under the rules and regulations of the City of Snellville have been completed in accordance with the appropriate specifications; or
- All of the stormwater drainage and detention facilities, water and sewer utilities, street base and curbing construction required for approval of the Certificate of Development Conformance have been properly installed and completed, and, for those required public improvements not yet completed within areas to be dedicated (grassing, pavement topping, required landscaping, sidewalks, etc.), a performance bond shall have been filed by the developer with the development performance and maintenance agreement. Payment for materials and installation of traffic control shall be made to the Department in accordance with the traffic engineering regulations prior to approval of the Certificate of Development Conformance. Payment of the cost of striping major thoroughfares or required signalization if required and not completed by the developer shall also be received by the Department prior to approval of the Certificate of Development Conformance.
Once the Department has approved the Certificate of Development Conformance and all other affected departments and agencies of government as required have certified compliance and signed the route sheet, the Director of Planning and Development shall certify by his signature on the original of the Certificate of Development Conformance that all of the requirements of the Development Regulations, the Zoning Ordinance, and the conditions of zoning approval have been met, and that all other affected departments have approved the plat. The Certificate of Development Conformance shall not be deemed approved until it has been signed by the Director of Planning and Development and, where use of septic tanks is proposed, by a duly authorized representative of the Gwinnett County Environmental Health Department.
Certificate of Occupancy (CO) Checklist
Please plan well in advance to ensure compliance and submittal of all documents and County and City approvals for project closeout for receipt of the Certificate of Occupancy! There are many documents that must be reviewed and approved and final inspections to be completed. It is recommended to submit documents and begin scheduling inspections at least one month prior to the date on which the site is scheduled to open or issuance of the final plat is desired. The City of Snellville is one of many agencies that must issue site approval in order to receive final approval on the Certificate of Development Conformance and approval of the Certificate of Occupancy. Both Gwinnett County and the State of Georgia conduct various inspections and issue approvals.
- Apply for and receive your Occupational Tax License (Business License)
- The Storm Sewer As-Built documents should be submitted for review at least four weeks prior to the anticipated site completion date.
- A Landscape Maintenance Bond is required for all sites.
- A BMP Tracking Form is required for storm water detention structures.
- If any ROW is to be dedicated to the city, read the Pavement Coring Memo concerning any paving being done in the ROW. Any paving being done in the ROW will need to schedule a pavement proof roll with the city. (770-985-3513)
- Both the Certificate of Development Conformance (Attachments A-F) and Certificate of Development Conformance (Attachment G) documents must be completed and submitted. Use the BMP Maintenance Bond Calculations form to figure the amount of the bond for Attachment G. (Attachment G is for all on-site storm water detention structures.)
- City Personnel will need to do a final site inspection prior to approval of the Certificate of Development Conformance. This inspection covers landscaping, lighting, and general site layout. Please schedule this inspection by calling 770-985-3513 or 3514.