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City calls for citizen input for proposed Unified Development Ordinance

SNELLVILLE — The city is seeking resident input on the proposed Unified Development Ordinance before it is adopted later this year.

A website where residents can review the proposed code is now operational and can be found here:

The UDO is a consolidation of most City of Snellville ordinances and regulations related to the development and use of property into one user-friendly document. Rather than have separate ordinances affecting such things as land use, subdivision, flood and environmental protection, building standards; all of these have been consolidated into one document.

"We encourage all residents to visit the website, review the proposed codes and let us know what they think," said Planning and Zoning Director Jason Thompson said. "This document will help us guide development in the city for decades to come so it is imperative to have the input of residents."

City officials said the current rules that guide development in Snellville are confusing, unclear and sometimes conflicting. The UDO revision makes them very user-unfriendly for both the public and city officials. Additionally, many of the rules successfully supported the development of undeveloped land for decades but are now poorly suited to encouraging much-needed redevelopment.

City staff and their UDO consultants will consider all comments in preparing the official draft UDO that will be introduced for adoption later this year. During the adoption process, the public can continue to submit comments for consideration, however, once the UDO is adopted by the Mayor and City Council it can only be changed by that body.

The city Planning Commission is scheduled to have a public hearing on the UDO Sept. 22 and the Mayor and Council will have a public hearing Oct. 26. Adoption will take place after the public hearings are completed.
