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Sept. 7 proclaimed World Duchenne Awareness Day in Snellville

Landon Thompson

SNELLVILLE – Sept. 7 is World Duchenne Awareness Day in the city, following a proclamation at Monday's council meeting.

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is the most common and severe forms of Muscular Dystrophy, a group of genetic disorders characterized by muscle weakness. Duchenne is caused by loss of dystrophin. Historically, most boys who have it do not survive beyond their mid-twenties, and those that do will be using a wheelchair by age 12 and experience social isolation. The simplest of tasks become difficult, and in the later stages, heart and breathing muscles begin to fail.

Nearly 15,000 boys are living with the disease in the U.S. alone and more than 300,000 worldwide. The disorder knows no cultural, economic or social boundaries.

The proclamation was spurred by Planning and Development Director Jason Thompson, whose 7-year-old son Landon was diagnosed with DMD in August of 2017.

From left, Planning and Development Director Jason Thompson and Mayor Pro Tem Barbara Bender

"Spreading awareness is our biggest weapon to end this terrible disease," Thompson said. "Please take some time if you are not familiar with DMD to educate yourself and advocate for a cure."

Mayor Pro Tem Barbara Bender also affected by Muscular Dystrophy. She is a carrier of Becker's Muscular Dystrophy and has a brother and one son that is affected.

For more information on DMD visit
