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Notice to Snellville residents regarding stormwater fees

September 12, 2024

Dear Snellville Residents,

In 2008, the City instituted a Stormwater Utility to create a dedicated funding source for the operation and maintenance of all stormwater infrastructure in Snellville. Previously, funding for these projects came from the general budget with no specific allocation to maintain the infrastructure.  

In recent years, the cost of labor and materials has increased significantly, straining the Stormwater Utility budget. Consequently, the City contracted with Integrated Science & Engineering to conduct a rate study to determine the necessary base rate for the utility. Though great strides have been made in updating many of the failing pipes and culverts, there are still more than 200 sections of existing pipe that have severe corrosion and need replacement.

In order to address these issues, and based on the rate study, the recommended base rate used to calculate the stormwater fee for each property will increase to $125 annually. This equates to an approximate $5.64 monthly increase for most residential properties.

Since its inception in 2008, the City has increased the base rate only once – in 2016. The updated base rate will go a long way toward replacement of the pipe sections that are most in need of repair.

The new rate for stormwater fees will be reflected on the 2024 property tax bills to be mailed at the close of this week. 


The City of Snellville
