UDO Sec. 103-9, Amendments allows property owners to submit a request to amend the city's Official Zoning Map to change the zoning district classification of their property. These rezonings are changes, or amendments, to the zoning classification of a parcel of land according to the city's Official Zoning Map.
Unless initiated by the Mayor and Council or Planning Commission, an application to amend the Official Zoning Map must be submitted by the owner(s) of the affected property(ies) or by an authorized agent of the owner.
If the proposed rezoning would permit a use that is NOT consistent with the land use category of the subject property as shown on the city's Future Land Use Map, the applicant must also file a separate application to amend the Land Use Plan. An application to amend the Land Use Plan may be made concurrently with an application to amend the Official Zoning Map.
Submittal Deadline: Noon, 6-weeks prior to Planning Commission regular meeting date. This is the last day to submit. A pre-submittal meeting is required one-week before the submittal deadline to ensure that the application submittal is complete. Please consider the 2025 Public Hearing Calendar for application pre-submittal and submittal deadlines and public hearing meeting dates for the Planning Commission and the Mayor and Council.
Application Procedures
Once an application is filed, the Planning Department reviews the application (plural, if required to also submit a Land Use Plan Amendment application) for completeness and prepares a Staff Analysis including a recommendation for approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the application.
Together with the application submittal, the Staff Analysis is provided to members of the Planning Commission and Mayor and City Council, and placed on the City's website for public view. The Planning Commission then holds a public hearing to review and consider the application, consider public comments, before making a recommendation to the Mayor and Council for approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the application. Finally, a Public Hearing is held by the Mayor and City Council for final action (approval, approval with conditions or denial) of the application.
Legal Ad in Gwinnett Daily Post
The Planning Department is responsible for placement of a legal ad for publication at least 15-days prior to the Planning Commission public hearing date and again 15-days prior to the Mayor and Council public hearing date. The legal ads are prepared and requested 28-days before the public hearing dates.
Adjoining Property Owner(s) Notifications
The Planning Department is responsible for notifying ALL adjoining property owners (and subject property owner(s) if owner/agent is not the applicant) of the parcel(s) subject to the application, giving notice of the Planning Commission and Mayor and Council public hearing dates by Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. These notices are mailed at least 15-days prior to the Planning Commission public hearing date to the property owner's mailing address on file with the Gwinnett County Tax Commissioner's office. A second mailing is completed at least 15-days prior to the Mayor and Council public hearing date.
Public Notice Sign Requirements
The Planning Department is also responsible for placing Public Notice Signs on each parcel subject to the application. These signs must be erected a minimum of 15-days prior to the Planning Commission public hearing date, and placed on each subject parcel having frontage on a public roadway.
Public Hearing and Meeting Location and Time
Planning Commission meetings and Mayor and Council public hearings are held at 7:30 p.m. at Snellville City Hall Council Chambers, 2342 Oak Road, Snellville, unless alternative meeting times or places are necessary. The Planning Commission holds monthly regular meetings on the 4th Tuesday of the month. The Mayor and Council holds monthly regular meetings on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month.
Application Withdrawal
Once an application for a Future Land Use Map amendment and/or Official Zoning Map amendment has been made, the applicant may withdraw such application without prejudice until the legal advertisement for the City Council public hearing has been placed in the City's legal organ (no less than 21 days before the City Council public hearing). No application may be withdrawn less than 21 days before the City Council public hearing unless the request for withdrawal is granted by the City Council at the public hearing. Otherwise, all applications must be considered by the City Council.
If an application is denied, no application affecting any portion of the same property shall be submitted less than twelve (12) months from the date of denial.