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Proposed Fiscal Year 2025 budget of $16.4M carries a levy of 4 mills

The Snellville Mayor and Council plan to approve a $16.4 million Fiscal Year 2025 budget at their next meeting June 10. 

The balanced budget carries a levy of 4 mills – the same it has been since 2022.

FY25 net spending increased by 8 percent, or $1,160,299. The increase is due, in part, to rising costs related to public projects and city services. As well as the addition of four full-time positions, and one part-time position. In addition, the budget includes the city’s portion of operations and maintenance expenses for The Grove at Towne Center and rental income from the newly opened development. This income will be used to fund expenses related to The Grove.

Other budget highlights include: 

$1.2 million is being invested for transportation-related projects including street resurfacing.

Sanitation services are subsidized with $1,309,300 in property tax collections.

The only planned capital expense is $150,000 for a new bucket truck for the Public Works Department.

A second reading and adoption of the budget is set for the June 10 meeting at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall, 2342 Oak Road.
